With a hundred posts under my belt, I thought a recap would be good before moving forward with new material. Below are 90 tech resources that have appeared on the TESOL Blog over the past several years, organized somewhat loosely into nine major categories. Click the name of the resource to be directed to the TESOL blog post in which it is mentioned and click the URL to go to the resource itself.
Communication Tools & LMSs
1. ClassDojo (www.classdojo.com)
2. D2L (www.d2l.com)
3. Edmodo (www.edmodo.com)
4. Engrade (www.mheducation.com/prek-12/platforms/engrade.html)
5. Google Classroom (www.google.com/edu/products/productivity-tools/classroom)
6. Google Sites (sites.google.com)
7. Remind 101 (www.remind.com)
8. Schoology (www.schoology.com)
9. Showbie (www.showbie.com)
Listening & Speaking
10. Crash Course (www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/crash-course1#table-of-contents)
11. EDpuzzle (edpuzzle.com)
12. eduCanon (Now PlayPosit; www.playposit.com)
13. Google Hangouts (hangouts.google.com)
14. Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org)
15. Lyrics Training (lyricstraining.com)
16. News in Levels (www.newsinlevels.com)
17. Shadow Puppet Edu (get-puppet.co)
18. TeacherTube (www.teachertube.com)
19. TED Talks (www.ted.com/talks)
20. VideoClass (www.videoclass.com)
21. VoiceThread (voicethread.com)
22. YouTube (www.youtube.com)
23. Zaption (www.zaption.com)
Organization & Storage
24. Dropbox (www.dropbox.com/home)
25. Evernote (evernote.com)
26. Google Drive (www.google.com/drive)
27. Google Keep (www.google.com/keep)
28. SugarSync (www.sugarsync.com)
Presentations & Digital Posters
29. Haiku Deck (www.haikudeck.com)
30. GlogsterEDU (edu.glogster.com)
31. Padlet (padlet.com)
32. PowerPoint (office.live.com/start/PowerPoint.aspx)
33. PowToon (www.powtoon.com)
35. Seesaw (web.seesaw.me)
Professional Development Resources
36. Academic Earth (academicearth.org)
37. Common Sense Media (www.commonsensemedia.org)
38. Connected Educators (www.connectededucators.org)
39. Coursera (www.coursera.org)
40. EdmodoCon (www.edmodocon.com)
41. EdSurge (www.edsurge.com)
43. edX (www.edx.org)
44. Electronic Village Online (evosessions.pbworks.com)
45. Graphite (www.commonsense.org/education)
46. TESOL Virtual Seminars (www.tesol.org/attend-and-learn/online-courses-seminars)
Reading & Writing
47. Blogger (www.blogger.com)
48. Breaking News English (www.breakingnewsenglish.com)
49. Children’s Storybooks Online (www.magickeys.com/books)
50. Dance Mat Typing (www.bbc.co.uk/guides/z3c6tfr)
51. Duolingo (www.duolingo.com)
52. Elevate (www.elevateapp.com)
53. Google Groups (groups.google.com/forum/#!overview)
54. Kidblog (kidblog.org)
55. Lingogo (www.lingogoapp.com)
56. Newsela (newsela.com)
57. NoRedInk (www.noredink.com)
58. Project Gutenburg (www.gutenberg.org)
59. Quill (www.quill.org)
60. Storynory (www.storynory.com)
61. TIME for Kids (www.timeforkids.com)
62. TodaysMeet (todaysmeet.com)
63. Typing Web (www.typingweb.com)
64. Voice of America (learningenglish.voanews.com)
65. Wiggio (wiggio.com)
Student Response Systems & Survey Makers
66. Flubaroo (www.flubaroo.com)
67. Google Forms (www.google.com/forms/about)
68. Kahoot! (getkahoot.com)
69. Plickers (www.plickers.com)
70. Poll Everywhere (www.polleverywhere.com)
71. Socrative (www.socrative.com)
72. SurveyMonkey (www.surveymonkey.com)
73. Flashcard Machine (www.flashcardmachine.com)
74. Freerice (freerice.com/#/english-vocabulary/1487)
75. Quizlet (quizlet.com)
76. SayWhat (www.saywhatyo.com)
77. A Web Whiteboard App (AWW App) (awwapp.com)
78. Fodey.com (www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp)
79. GoNoodle (www.gonoodle.com)
80. Hot Potatoes (hotpot.uvic.ca)
81. ifaketext.com (ifaketext.com)
82. Jing (www.techsmith.com/jing.html)
83. Leap.it (www.producthunt.com/tech/leap-it)
84. ManyThings.org (www.manythings.org)
85. Padagogy Wheel (designingoutcomes.com/the-padagogy-wheel-v2-0-its-all-about-transformation-and-integration)
86. Random.org (www.random.org/lists)
87. ScreenChomp (www.techsmith.com/screenchomp-snagitchrome-knowmia-retire.html)
88. SideVibe (www.sidevibe.com)
89. Super Teacher Tools (www.superteachertools.net)
90. The Wall Machine (thewallmachine.com)
I hope that if you have not had the opportunity to check some of these out in the past, you will do so now. Compiling this list was quite a trip down memory lane, and I rediscovered some resources that had dropped off my radar. Maybe the same thing will happen to you.
Please know that I struggled with classifying some of these, but also did not want to list a resource more than once. With that in mind, please feel free to weigh in on the list, categories, or resources by leaving a comment below.
from TESOL Blog http://blog.tesol.org/90-tech-resources-for-teachers/
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