Saturday, September 24, 2016

👀October Workshops! Register Today 👀

Hello everyone!
Get ready for fall and sign up today for one of our October workshops!
Our newest professional development offering:
Workshop #7
Parts of Speech – verbs, nouns, adjectives and more! 

FRIDAY OCTOBER 21, 2016 – Lane ESD, 1200 Highway 99 N, Eugene 97402

Does teaching grammar to students make you say “YIKES”? 
This Fun To Teach workshop will ease your anxiety about teaching the parts of speech
and types of sentences to students Kinder through 5
th grade. Join us for a basic grammar boost, and learn about strategies and activities that engage students and increase writing abilities. This workshop is designed to help primary 1-5 teachers who:
  • feel uncertain about their knowledge of grammar and want to improve their confidence in teaching it
  • want more strategies and activities that teach to the Common Core and ELP Standards
  • want to increase student writing abilities and teach English grammar in a fun and engaging way
  • want to refresh their knowledge of English grammar and the terminology used to describe it

    What the workshop covers:
    Teaching activities and strategies related to parts of speech and types of sentences

    Workshop #6 

    ELD Models and Strategies for Co-Teaching - Push-in and Pull-out! 

    With inclusion on the rise, ELD and Classroom teachers are sharing classrooms more than ever and becoming effective co-teaching partners. Bring your team, co-teacher or just yourself and learn the models for co-teaching. 

    Understand when and how to use each model for effective instruction to second language learners and low language at risk students. Find out which strategies are best associated with each model and create make and take activities so you can use them in the classroom the next day! 

    Engaging, robust English acquisition happens throughout the day when ELD and Classroom teachers team up to enrich each lesson with rigorous language instruction.

Click here to register today!

Happy Teaching!
from Fun To Teach ESL - Teaching English as a Second Language

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